CHALLENGING THE COVID VACCINE NARRATIVE — My Journey of Discovery & Enlightenment by K.J. Parker
(thread on X here:
Questioning any vaccine and its universal application is now viewed as a major social faux pas. We’re not supposed to express concerns about new vaccine technologies and the unknowns surrounding them. We’re not supposed to assess the risks versus benefits for ourselves or our loved ones. We’re not supposed to dispute the reliability in testing or the potential biases in scientific studies. We’re not supposed to challenge the ethics or motives of the pharmaceutical industry and the government bodies that regulate them. And don’t even think about publicly discussing vaccine injuries, even when they are confirmed to have resulted from a vaccine. Doubting the infallible authority of The Science ™ is now considered outright blasphemy. It risks social ostracization, being labelled a conspiracy theorist, or even worse — being associated with the right-wing! <Gasp>
But here I am, a self-proclaimed liberal, coming out of the closet to admit that I did my own research into the data and science surrounding Covid vaccines. And guess what? I opted out. I’m coming clean: I don’t blindly trust our government, their health authorities, or the corporations they’re cozy with. Questioning authority and seeking truth through research and open dialogue used to be the bread and butter of liberalism. So buckle up, because this liberal is about to take you on a wild ride of enlightenment and discovery.
Imagine the emotional toll of being ostracized and ridiculed for refusing a novel and unnecessary medical treatment. Now, picture the immense pressure of being labeled an irresponsible parent for not subjecting your children to the same treatment, knowing full well that it is not needed and could potentially cause irreversible harm. This delightful scenario was a reality for me and many others who chose not to receive the Covid vaccine.
As someone with experience analyzing health data (and possibly an affinity for self-torture), I spent a mind numbing 2,000 + hours scrutinizing the available data and science on Covid vaccines. I discovered alarming and unsettling information that made me question much of what I thought I knew about the world.
My detective work revealed that the Covid vaccines are not as effective as they claim to be, and can pose significant risks. I also uncovered how the powers that be manipulate data to favor the vaccines’ safety and efficacy, even though, in many cases, the studies they cite demonstrate the opposite. I watched in disbelief as respected doctors and scientists who voiced concerns about the vaccines were censored and smeared.
My journey has been both enlightening and challenging. It has taught me the importance of independent thinking and the need to question official narratives. It has also shown me the lengths to which some will go to maintain control over information and how fear can be manipulated as a tool for that control.
Even in the face of societal pressure and judgement, we must demand transparency and honesty in the medical field and never stop questioning the information presented to us. I hope that my story will inspire others to think critically and to prioritize truth and integrity above all else.
March 2020 — When It All Began
This chronicle begins in March 2020 when the WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic and the world collectively abandoned all logic and reason.
I could put together a never-ending saga on the nonsensical and detrimental Covid policies forced upon us with zero concern for the short and long-term impacts on our health and well-being, but that’s not the focus of this tale. I give just a few examples of the extreme measures put in place as we awaited the release of the novel vaccine that would save us all!
California: On March 19th, 2020 Governor Gavin Newsom issued an order that, “all individuals living in the state of California to stay home or at their places of residence, except as needed to maintain continuity of operations of the federal critical infrastructure sectors.” Governor Newsom even ordered the closure of beaches which lead to a poor surfer being fined $1,000. It turns out sunlight, fresh air, and exercise do wonders for the immune system and fighting infections like Covid. Who knew?
New York: On March 22nd, 2020, Governor Andrew Cuomo unveiled the “New York State on Pause” executive order. He announced. “We’re all in various levels of quarantine, and it’s hard, but necessary.” Various levels? That turned out to mean that he and his cronies could hang out at home on their laptops while those filthy working-class people bring them all the food and supplies, they need to be comfortable. Oh, and screw the small businesses trying to stay afloat. You’re not essential. Governor Cuomo even shutdown playgrounds and basketball courts — the epitome of wisdom and sense. I mean, what kid needs fresh air, socialization, and exercise? And let’s not forget shutting down schools. At the time, government agencies, the media, even teachers’ unions reassured us with statements like “kids are resilient, they’ll be fine.” Fast forward to November, 2021.
New York Time’s article headline reads: “The Startling Evidence on Learn Loss Is In.” STARTLING indeed! I’m flabbergasted that closing down schools and forcing children to be cooped up in their homes all day behind screens would impact their academic and social development. And surprise, surprise, it took the greatest tole on kids from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, further widening the educational divide.
Of course, all of the experts were in total agreement. Draconian measures like these, were the one and only way to save lives, and anyone who questioned it was clearly an anti-science lunatic. Have you heard of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, Dr. Sunetra Gupta, or Dr. Martin Kulldorff? No? Not surprising, considering the government actively worked to smear and censor these and other scientists for daring to suggest a more nuanced approach to public health. But, hey, they’re just some random quacks with no credibility at all. Who cares about their years of experience, prestigious positions, and extensive research. They’re clearly just trying to undermine the infallible government’s efforts to save us all.
On October 4th, 2020, these three renowned scientists, Dr. Bhattacharya: professor at Stanford University Medical School, a physician, epidemiologist, health economist, and public health policy expert
Dr. Gupta: professor at Oxford University, an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modelling of infectious diseases
Dr. Kulldorff: former professor of medicine at Harvard University, a biostatistician, and epidemiologist with expertise in detecting and monitoring infectious disease outbreaks and vaccine safety evaluations joined forces to author The Great Barrington Declaration. Their public health plan called for focused protection—allow those at minimal risk to carry on with their lives normally, thus building immunity through natural infection, while providing enhanced protection for the most vulnerable. The Declaration was signed by over 47,000 medical practitioners and over 16,000 medical and public health scientists, indicating that (contrary to what government health officials would have you believe) there was a significant LACK of consensus within the medical community.
The Twitter Files reveal that the United States government engaged in a pressure campaign to censor the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration and others who contradicted the government’s preferred viewpoints.
“Follow the science” and “trust the experts” became a synonym for “surrender your critical thinking skills to a select group of individuals.”
December 2020 – Vaccines Arrive to Save Us All
In December, of 2020, the 1st Covid vaccine, developed by Pfizer-BioNtech, was authorized by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for use in individuals 16 years of age and older. Initially, the vaccine was made available to healthcare workers and people aged 65 and older. Around April 2020 eligibility for the Covid-19 vaccine was progressively extended to younger age groups at varying times across different states in the United States.
People who wanted the vaccine could get it, thus safeguarding high risk individuals and allowing society to breathe a collective sigh of relief. Or so it seemed. However, as the saying goes “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”
Government and media propaganda machines then went into overdrive, advocating the vaccine for everyone eligible, irrespective of age or health status. Stories about vaccine hesitancy and the dreaded “misinformation” (much of which was later confirmed accurate) inundated legacy media.
For those young healthy folks who didn’t see the need for the vaccine, they touted the role of the Covid vaccines in achieving herd immunity. Spoiler alert: it didn’t work out so well with a virus that mutates faster than the fluctuating mood’s of a teenager. Vaccinated people were hailed as the saviors of humanity, while the unvaccinated were labelled as public enemy number one leading to family feuds and the marginalization of those who opted out of the vaccine. Oh, what a delightful time!
It was about the time that the texts from my family members began rolling in. At first, it was just a friendly PSA about where to get the jab and how to book an appointment. But soon, I was drowning in a sea of propaganda articles, using coercive fear tactics to argue that not getting the vaccine would not only put my own life in jeopardy, but also transform me into a human disease vector, putting the entire population at risk of extinction. As I continued to adopt a “wait and see” approach, gathering both official data and anecdotal evidence, my responses to their relentless texts ranged from complete silence to “thanks for the info.” with an eye roll.
Spring 2021 — Propaganda and a Nation Divided
I vividly recall the day it dawned on me, that for some, pushing others to get vaccinated was less about genuine concern and more about validating their own sense of righteousness. As more vaccinated individuals around me contracted Covid, I started questioning the vaccine’s effectiveness. Meanwhile, many young and healthy unvaccinated people were merely experiencing symptoms akin to a mild cold.
As I grappled with the unknowns of the new vaccine technologies, a close family member sent yet another text urging me to get vaccinated. I carefully composed a response, stating that while I was open to changing my mind based on new information, the current unknowns—both short-term and long-term—made me believe that, for me personally, the risks of getting vaccinated outweighed the potential benefits, especially considering my age and health.
Their response was shift and cutting: “so you’re anti-vax and anti-science. I’ll trust the experts.”
I was taken aback by their reaction. At the time, I couldn’t quite pinpoint why it affected me so deeply, but as I reflect now, I see things more clearly. I thought this was someone who respected me. This was also someone I had grown close to over the past decade, especially after weathering some tumultuous times together. I genuinely believed they had evolved into a more open-minded and less judgmental person. But once again, when I made a life choice they didn’t agree with, I was met with judgement and ridicule. (side note – this happened to individuals on a worldwide basis)
Furthermore, I’m the one in the family with a background in health and science. I’ve always been diligent about research and measured in my approach to things. I’ve helped many people—including family members—improve their health with strategies their doctors either weren’t aware of or didn’t have the time to tell them. So, when this family member tried to shame and coerce me and my family into a novel medical treatment they knew very little about, I found it patronizing, irresponsible, and downright cruel. But hey, who needs logic and reason when you can just throw around labels like “anti-vax” and “anti-science.”? It’s the perfect way to shut down any meaningful conversation. (side note – like calling people fascist, right wing, anti-semitic and other libellous accusations, again world wide. Or asking them to explain something in *their own words* whilst being perfectly capable (not necessarily willing) to research for themselves).
As more people started venturing out, real-world data on the Covid vaccines finally began to emerge. First, the vaccines turned out to be not so effective at stopping transmission. They told us breakthrough infections were rare. Well, not so much. In fact, by May of 2021 so many vaccinated people were getting Covid that the CDC quietly changed its breakthrough case definition to focus only on hospitalized and fatal Covid cases in those that have been fully vaccinated. How convenient. Ex-CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield even views the CDC’s lack of transparency with suspicion. In a 2024 interview with Chris Cuomo Dr. Redfield revealed, “I think there was a decision not to do anything that made the vaccine sound like it didn’t work.”
Remember former CDC director Walenski in March, 2021 confidently stating that “vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don’t get sick?” Fast forward to August, 2021, and suddenly she was backtracking, admitting that fully vaccinated individuals can indeed transmit the virus.
And who could forget the ever-optimistic Rachael Maddow (news host on MSNBC) in March 2021 boldly proclaiming that “now we know that the vaccines work well enough that the virus stops with every vaccinated person.”?
Dr. Paul Offit, voting member on the FDA panel for vaccine safety, insisted, “Our way out of this pandemic is to vaccinate the unvaccinated.” To Offit’s credit, he voted no on Covid boosters citing
“uncomfortably scant evidence.”
Not to be outdone, President Biden joined the chorus in April 2021 reassuring us that “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.” And then there was Mr Science himself Dr. Anthony Fauci, who confidently stated “When you vaccinate someone, they are very likely not to get sick.” Michael P. Senger compiled a chorus of top officials and media personalities all singing in harmony, “if you’re vaccinated, you won’t get sick or spread the virus.” We have receipts.
Who could have possibly foreseen that a vaccine for a virus that mutates faster than a chameleon changes colors wouldn’t be the ultimate shield against transmission? As for those pesky “misinformation” scientists who dared question the vaccine’s superpowers, more on that later.
May 2021— Oh Joy! My Kids are Now Eligible to Join the Exclusive Vaccine Club
May 10, 2021 Pfizer-BioNTech Covid vaccine was authorized for emergency use (EUA) in kids ages 12 – 15. As it became clear the vaccine did not prevent transmission, the EUA of a novel vaccine for a very low-risk age group was among the first indications that these vaccines weren’t solely about saving lives. EUA is intended to allow unapproved medicines, vaccines, and other medical products to be implemented during an emergency to prevent serious or life-threatening diseases. Known and potential benefits must outweigh the known and potential risks in order for a vaccine to qualify for emergency authorization. Pharmaceutical companies have substantial financial involvement in the FDA’s operations, with sources indicating that 45% of the FDA’s budget comes from industry user fees—such as fees to expedite the review and approval process of new drugs and medical devices.
Government and vaccine manufacturers definitely have our best interests at heart. It’s not like they’d ever approve and promote a vaccine for emergency use for a low-risk age group without considering the potential risks, right? That would be absurd.
Remember the all-knowing all-judging family member I told you about? Now that my kids were eligible for the vaccine, they decided to grace my kids with their unsolicited opinions as well. I was suddenly an unconcerned irresponsible parent. And for a time, my kids believed it sowing seeds of division, anxiety, and stress within my immediate family. I’d like to extend my deepest gratitude to this family member for their unwavering dedication to making a difficult time, 1,000 times more difficult.
After the vaccine was approved for children, I began to delve into the data and science. I felt that the Covid vaccine studies involving adolescents which included a total of 2,260 participants (1,130 vaccine recipients and 1,130 control subjects), did not have a large enough sample size to adequately assess safety.
To gather more data and assess it for myself, I went to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), a national early warning system co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). VAERS accepts and analyzes reports of adverse events after a person has received a vaccination, serving as an important tool for identifying potential safety concerns. It’s worth noting that in some cases these events could be coincidental and not directly related to the vaccine. Still, VAERS is a valuable tool for spotting potential health risks associated with vaccines.
Upon conducting research for the 12 -17 age group in the VAERS database, I found a concerning number of reports of chest pain, diagnosed as myocarditis (heart inflammation) and pericarditis (inflammation of the sac surrounding the heart), which necessitated hospitalization. This was enough to make me question the vaccine for my 2 boys who were 13 and 15 at the time. (side note – my grown up “children” asked me to keep quiet)
Don’t simply take my word for it. I encourage people to check the VAERS database. Anyone can put together a report for any vaccine and for any age group.
Summer 2021— The Ever-Changing Narrative Suddenly the narrative changed to, “No one ever said the vaccines would prevent you from getting Covid; they just make symptoms less severe and make you less likely to be hospitalized or die from Covid.”
“The goal of the vaccine is not to prevent infection but to prevent serious illness and death.” — Dr. Paul Offit
“The primary endpoint of the vaccine trial is to prevent clinical disease, to prevent symptomatic disease, not necessarily to prevent infection.” — Dr. Anthony Fauci
“The primary goal of the vaccines was to reduce the risk of severe disease, hospitalization and death. And they did that.” — Rachel Maddow.
Let’s address the counter-argument often heard from our esteemed experts. You know, the ones who never change their minds and are always right, even when the data says otherwise.
When questioned about their early insistence that the vaccine was really good at preventing illness and transmission, they responded with something like this:
“Early data indicated the vaccine was effective at preventing transmission, and that messaging changed when the science evolved.”
Oh, please, let’s consider the context of those early statements. The data used to make those judgements in March 2021 was based on a limited timeframe, during which only a microscopic percentage of the population were fully vaccinated. By the end of January 2021, a whopping 2% of the population were fully vaccinated; by February this number skyrocketed to 9%; and by the end of March it reached an impressive 19%. And let’s not forget, early vaccine eligibility was limited mostly to people over the age of 65, a demographic that tends to stay home more, and engage in smaller social circles, potentially leading to fewer infections in this group regardless of vaccination status. Younger unvaccinated individuals, on the other hand, were more likely to go out and interact with others. Given this context, it’s just plain obvious that most Covid infections in the first part of 2021 would be in unvaccinated people.
What really irks me is how our infallible experts, armed with skimpy data and a whole lot of hubris, presented their version of “the science” with unwavering certainly. All while they were busy discrediting and silencing respected scientists who dared to question their divine wisdom.
July 2021 — What Does the Data on Covid Vaccine Efficacy Truly Reveal?
As for my analysis in the late summer 2021, the real-world data I scrutinized didn’t scream “effective” even when it came to reducing hospitalizations and deaths. Despite this, many people seemed to trust the data presented to them, but having already uncovered some things that didn’t quite add up, I decided not to blindly follow authority figures (especially when they’re so charmingly condescending). Instead, I chose to do my own homework and dive into the studies myself.
Let’s take a look at the CDC’s first real world study, the Cape Cod Study. The case study revealed that 74% of the 469 Covid cases were among the fully vaccinated, and out of the five people hospitalized, four were fully vaccinated. So, if we’re playing the percentages game, that’s 80% of hospitalisations’ coming from the vaccinated group.
To provide a complete picture, it’s worth noting that the vaccination rate for the United States was just over 50% at the time this study was conducted in July, 2021. So when 80% of hospitalizations came from the vaccinated group, that’s a significant finding—even when considering that older and less healthy people are more likely to choose vaccination.
Now, let’s talk about how the media and former CDC director Rochelle Walenski presented this data. Time posted an article on August 12, 2021 highlighting the effectiveness of vaccines against severe disease and death from Covid. They presented data directly from the Cape Cod study to support their thesis. I quote “During a recent high-profile outbreak on Cape Cod, almost three-quarters of the 469 Massachusetts residents who got infected were vaccinated, but just four of them landed in the hospital.”
CDC director Rochelle Walensky also presented cherry picked data from the Cape Cod study as “proof” that vaccines work. Walensky told the BBC, “there were few hospitalizations and no deaths among vaccinated people who were infected. The vacation outbreak among people on Cape Cod is proof that vaccines work.”
True, there were only four hospitalizations and no deaths among vaccinated people who were infected, but it might be worth noting there was only one hospitalization and no deaths among (Un)vaccinated people who were infected. Walenski’s assertion that the study “proves” vaccines work is an outright lie. It’s almost as if they believe if they don’t mention the other part of the data, it doesn’t exist.
Fact Check: While there were only four hospitalizations and no deaths among vaccinated people who were infected in the Cape Cod outbreak, there was only one hospitalization and no deaths among (Un)vaccinated people who were infected. The data from the Cape Cod study DOES NOT prove vaccines work.
Next I analysed a much larger sample of data presented by Public Health England. The Delta variant became the dominant strain in The United Kingdom about 2 months prior to the United States and provides data on the Delta variant by vaccination status from February 1st through August 16, 2021. As of February 1st, 2021, 14.5% of the UK population are fully vaccinated and increases incrementally throughout the time data is collected. 61.3 percent of the population in the UK are fully vaccinated by August 16, 2021.
Let’s analyse cases, hospitalization rates, and deaths by vaccination status. Please check my work. As of August 16, 2021, Public Health England’s data show:
• 337,834 total Delta cases. 47% were (Un)vaccinated.
• 7,285 hospital overnight inpatient admissions for confirmed Delta or suspected Delta that was later confirmed. 58% were (Un)vaccinated. Note: If you look at the data yourself you’ll see a category for overnight inpatient admission (exclusion).
Exclusion in this case typically means that, although they tested positive for Covid, these individuals were admitted to the hospital for a reason other than confirmed or suspected Covid—for examples: broken bones or a gunshot wound. I excluded this category of data from my analysis. I also excluded emergency room visits that did not result in overnight admission since they weren’t considered serious cases.
• 1,189 total Delta deaths. 33% were (Un)vaccinated
When factoring in vaccination rates, you might infer from Public Health England’s data that VACCINATED individuals are about as likely to contract the Delta variant as unvaccinated individuals, slightly less likely to be hospitalized, and considerably more likely to die. Before drawing conclusions about vaccine efficacy, consider that older people with pre-existing conditions—a group that is also more likely to experience Covid complications—are more likely to be vaccinated than younger healthier people.
Still, it appears that vaccine efficacy in the United Kingdom wasn’t particularly high for the Delta variant. And yet, “scientists” and the media continued to spin the data. A study conducted by the “Office of National Statistics” analyses Public Health England’s data and comes to a much different conclusion than I did.
On September 19, 2021, the Wall Street Journal posted an article on Facebook with the headline “Fully Vaccinated People Represent 1% of Covid deaths in England in first half of 2021.”
Having analysed data from Public Health England myself, I know that percentage is grievously misrepresented. Here’s how:
The study analyses data from Public Health England during a time period when very few people were fully vaccinated.
The data analysed for the England Study presented in the Wall Street Journal Article was collected from January 2, 2021 through July 2, 2021. The United Kingdom considers people fully vaccinated 14 days after their second vaccine dose. Unlike the U.S., the U.K. opted to delay a second dose and distribute the vaccine in a single dose to reach more of the population. According to vaccination statistics by month from Our World Data, very few people are fully vaccinated in the United Kingdom from January 2nd through July 2nd when data was collected for this particular study. As of January 2, 2021, 0% of people in the United Kingdom are fully vaccinated.
Percent of people fully vaccinated in the United Kingdom as of:
January 2, 2021: 0% February 2, 2021: .7% March 2, 2021: 1.3% April 2, 2021: 7.8% May 2, 2021: 23.3% June 2, 2021: 39.6% July 2, 2021: 50.1%
Fact Check: The data analysed for the England study was collected from January 2, 2021 through July 2, 2021. As of January 2, 2021, 0% of people in the United Kingdom are fully vaccinated. It follows that all deaths from Covid during that time period are among the unvaccinated.
This England study is a clear example of how scientists cherry pick and manipulate data so that the outcome of the study aligns with their hypothesis. Why on earth would we think to scrutinize the raw data ourselves when our esteemed experts are more than willing to graciously spoon-feed us The Science™?
Lastly, I want to highlight another case studywhich studied an outbreak in an Israel hospital among a highly vaccinated population. The authors investigated a Covid outbreak that started from a fully vaccinated patient in their 70s. There was a 96.2% vaccination rate among exposed individuals. Of the 42 cases diagnosed in this outbreak, 38 were fully vaccinated, one was recovered with one vaccination, and three were unvaccinated. Twenty-three were patients, 16 staff members, and three family members. All staff (median age: 33 years; range: 22–48) remained asymptomatic or with mild disease. The patient population was considerably older than staff and all patients had co-morbidities. The table (below) shows detailed information for each patient that contracted Covid during their hospital stay.
Of the patient cases—all of whom had co-morbidities—3 were asymptomatic (all vaccinated), 4 were mild (2 not vaccinated, 2 vaccinated), 1 was moderate (vaccinated), 8 were severe (all vaccinated), 1 was critical, but survived (vaccinated), and 5 died (all vaccinated). Of the 5 patients that died, 2 were over the age of 90, 1 was between the ages of 80 and 90, and 2 were between the ages 0f 70 and 80.
So, ALL of the severe cases and deaths were among the vaccinated. I wonder why the mainstream media never did a report on this study. Truly mind-boggling, isn’t it?
This study and others challenged the vaccine-induced herd immunity theory which, in my opinion, was enough to warrant re-evaluating vaccine policies and perhaps a touch of humility in the rhetoric toward the unvaccinated. But, oh, how naive I was. Instead, the government and media, in their infinite wisdom, chose to double down on their claims of the vaccine’s effectiveness. And, to add insult to injury, they decided to use even more aggressive language toward those who chose not to be vaccinated.
Fall 2021 — President Biden Becomes Impatient with the Unvaccinated Around fall 2021, vaccine encouragement turned to vaccine shaming and coercion.
President Biden, the beacon of hope and togetherness tried to bring everyone together in a big, happy, vaccinated family. Who could forget the touching moment when he addressed the unvaccinated saying, “We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin and your refusal has cost all of us.” How heartwarming. The party of “unity” suddenly decided to unite everyone against the unvaccinated.
During this address, the President issued an executive order mandating Covid vaccinations for federal employees. Additionally, he announced a mandate requiring businesses with 100 or more employees to ensure their workers are either vaccinated or have a Q-Tip shoved up their nostril every week. But alas, the Supreme Court decided to spoil the fun by striking down the Biden administration’s vaccine-or-test mandate.
And then there’s our dear friend Mr Science, Dr. Anthony Fauci, who put people who didn’t want to receive the vaccine in a political box.
(For those of you who don’t get the Mr Science reference: “Attacks on me, quite frankly are attacks on science.” — Dr. Anthony Fauci.)
Now back to Dr. Fauci putting people in political boxes. Fauci said, “divisiveness of our politics led many conservatives to distrust public health recommendations to get vaccinated.” He went on further to say, “Why do you have death rates among Republicans that are higher than death rates among Democrats?” Hmm…… maybe because Republicans skew older and older people are more likely to die than younger people? According to the Pew Research Center “Seven-in-ten Republican voters were 50 and older in the 2022 election.” For the record, about 95% of the people I personally know who chose not to get the jab are quite literally bleeding-heart liberals. But go ahead, Mr Science, keep cherry-picking the data to fit your agenda. Such a modest and unassuming man, constantly questioning, testing, and re-evaluating the science like only a true scientist would. You’re definitely not the one causing division and making things political.
I’m so glad that during these difficult times our great leaders brought people together by exhibiting such integrity and respect. And I’m thankful that the media and celebrities emulated their concern and understanding for their fellow humans.
Actor Jennifer Aniston bravely announced she had cut ties with people who had refused the jab. Oh, Jennifer, what a true friend you are.
Comedian Jimmy Kimmel suggested that unvaccinated people be denied medical care. “Vaccinated person having a heart attack? Yes, come right on in, we’ll take care of you. Unvaccinated guy? Rest in peace.” What a shining example of empathy and compassion. (side note: sounds similar to Jimmy Carr, UK comedian)
As we learned from the past, rhetoric matters. President Biden, the guy who ran on uniting the country, instead managed to pit friends, family, neighbours, and coworkers against each other.
Around the time of Biden’s infamous “our patience is wearing thin” speech, MY patience grew thin with the “party of unity”, and I officially changed my voter registration to No Party.
Those Pesky “Misinformation” Scientists and Doctors
Let’s explore the realm of “misinformation” and those naive, ill-informed doctors and scientists who had the nerve to question the “chosen experts” and their divine stances on Covid vaccines.
Note: Countless esteemed doctors and scientists have voiced apprehensions about the Covid vaccines over time and sometimes for different reasons. Below, I highlight just a handful of them. It’s important to note that these individuals may not share unanimous opinions on all aspects, and I’m not endorsing all of their perspectives. Nonetheless, each of them possesses impressive credentials—often on par with, or exceeding, those of the experts controlling the narrative. Despite their expertise, there has been a concerted effort to discredit and suppress their viewpoints.
John Mandrola, practicing cardiologist, and Dr. Vinay Prasad, practicing haematologist and professor of epidemiology are both advocates for evidence-based medicine and transparency in healthcare. In an article from the Free Press, they voiced their concerns regarding the administration of multiple Covid vaccines to the entire population. They argued that while the vaccines are a tool for preventing severe illness and death among vulnerable groups such as the elderly and those with specific underlying medical conditions, there is growing evidence that the benefits may not outweigh the risks for everyone.
Mendola and Prasad further elaborated on potential safety signals associated with the vaccines, including myocarditis (heart inflammation), blood clots, and strokes. They criticized federal officials for downplaying these side effects, particularly myocarditis among young men.
Prasad had been scheduled to be the keynote speaker at the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. When a vocal minority complained about his opinions about Covid, his lecture was cancelled. Clearly the Covid narrative was about healthy evidence-based discussion and not at all about silencing dissenting voices.
Dr. Tracy Beth Hoeg, a physician and epidemiologist, is known for her criticism of Covid policies and advocated for a more targeted and evidence based approach. She was especially critical of policies surrounding schools and children. Dr. Hoeg has also been involved in research and advocacy surrounding myocarditis and pericarditis—authoring one of the first studies highlighting data pointing to boys being more at risk from Covid vaccination side-effect than from Covid itself. More on that later.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya (mentioned earlier as one the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration) spoke with Dr. Hoeg on his podcast “The Illusion of Consensus”. Dr. Hoeg discusses losing her job at UC Davis due to her scandalous vaccine myocarditis research. How dare she study vaccine side-effects and call for evidence based medicine.
You can find their conversation at the link below.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya interview with Dr. Tracy Hoeg
Dr. Dean Patterson is a prominent cardiologist and general physician based in Guernsey, a British Crown Dependency. Dr Patterson is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians. He began questioning the safety of Covid vaccines after observing a significant uptick in myocarditis and pericarditis cases following the widespread rollout of Covid vaccines in 2021. Dr. Patterson’s research in the understanding of Covid vaccine’s side-effects and the wider discussion about vaccine safety has been significant. Hear directly from Dr. Patterson and other doctors in a webinar on Rumble titled “Covid Vaccines — The Devastating Health Crisis in the Channel Islands & Around the World” linked below.
YouTube has become a bastion of free speech ensuring the removal of content that questions sacred official narratives, even when it’s backed by facts. This has led many users to flock to Rumble (a platform that will turn you into a far-right nut job….. but just kidding, that’s sarcasm folks!) Covid Vaccine Health Crisis Webinar.
One of the most compelling narratives comes from Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a distinguished British cardiologist, who was once a fervent advocate for the Covid vaccines. His stance underwent a profound transformation following the tragic loss of his father to cardiac arrest six months after his 2nd Covid vaccine. Spurred by conversations with esteemed colleagues who had their own apprehensions regarding the vaccines’ potential risks, Dr. Malhotra embarked on a comprehensive six-month investigation into the data surrounding the Covid vaccines. Dr. Malhotra uncovered a multitude of independent research strands that collectively pointed towards considerable and common serious harm from Covid vaccines. He shared his story and research before the Helsinki District Court in April 2024. I highly recommend listening to his testimony at the provided link below, as it offers the most comprehensive and persuasive account I’ve encountered to date.
Dr. Malhotra testimony before the Helsinki District Court
In the Face of Growing Evidence to the Contrary, The “Safe and Effective” Mantra Continues.
To further emphasize the lengths pharmaceutical companies and the government officials and media outlets they fund will go to manipulate the narrative, let’s delve into some additional evidence. Earlier, I shared my analysis of 2021 Covid vaccine efficacy data, which suggested that reported efficacy in favor of the vaccines was manipulated by using data from a period when very few people were fully vaccinated and by categorizing partially vaccinated individuals as unvaccinated. They seem to have a knack for adjusting data to match their intended message.
Dr. Peter Doshi, a University of Maryland professor and researcher, published a paper in The Journal of Evaluation and Medicine addressing the same Covid vaccine efficacy bias I discovered. In analysing data from the Pfizer Phase III randomized trial, Dr. Doshi and colleagues noted a little something called “vaccination status misclassification.” They noticed that investigators in this trial had a sneaky way of counting Covid cases. They didn’t start counting until participants were at least 14 days (7 days for Pfizer) past their final dose, at which time they were considered fully vaccinated. This little trick meant that cases in the vaccinated group were conveniently ignored while the vaccinated group got to keep all of their cases. As a result, a completely ineffective vaccine can appear statistically effective.
But wait, there’s more! Several scientists in London took things even further by conducting a systemic review and identifying thirty-nine efficacy studies that contained mis categorisation bias— whereby study participants who have been vaccinated are categorized as unvaccinated. They found this bias to artificially boost vaccine efficacy even when a vaccine has zero or negative efficacy. You can find their paper entitled “The extent and impact of vaccine status mis categorisation on covid-19 vaccine efficacy studies” at the link below.
Vaccine status miscategorisation study
I’m well aware that even in the face of evidence, many of you are still clinging to the belief that Covid vaccines are the holy grail of protection against the virus, and I can’t really blame you. After all, you’ve probably read countless articles citing studies that seem to support this notion, and charts and tables abound show the vaccinated outperforming the unvaccinated in every category. In fall 2021
President Biden even warned of a “winter of death” for the unvaccinated. A thorough and well-executed study would exhibit transparency by providing comprehensive data on vaccination status, ensuring that partially vaccinated or unverified individuals are not misclassified as unvaccinated. It would also explicitly state the percentage of population vaccinated at the time of the study and in the area where the research is conducted. Without access to detailed raw data these charts and tables simply don’t hold up to scrutiny. An exhaustive study would also take into account the age and health status of each person that is hospitalized or dies from Covid. Additionally, it would be important to differentiate between hospitalizations and deaths that are directly caused by Covid and those that occur due to other reasons yet are still classified as Covid cases because the individual tested positive for the virus.
Now, brace yourself for a wild conspiracy theory: Deaths and hospitalizations that were not Covid related were misclassified as Covid deaths and hospitalizations. Shocking, right? Here’s just one example: Boston Massachusetts local news reported that “the Department of Health counted the death of any person who had previously tested positive for Covid as a Covid-related death, regardless of how much time elapsed between those two events. Even if someone contracted the virus in March and died in a car crash in July, they were added to the ongoing tally of pandemic deaths.” The article states DPH has since updated the surveillance definition by narrowing the window of time between a confirmed Covid diagnosis and death required for the fatality to get attributed to the virus. However, it’s not clear whether or not the car crash scenario would still stand if the window of time between the Covid-positive test and death is shorter. This serves as another example of why we should always approach data with a critical eye and not take it at face value without thorough investigation.
After extensive research, I am personally convinced that the Covid vaccine is useless at preventing infection, and minimizing transmission, hospitalization, and death. It’s bad enough that people are profiting from an ineffective product, but here’s the real kicker: not only is the vaccine ineffective, data show it’s not particularly safe either.
What!!?? That’s a direct affront to the sacred teachings of the chosen ones. The vaccine has been proven safe. I know, because the FDA wouldn’t approve an unsafe drug and the media would be reporting on serious vaccine injuries and deaths if they were actually happening.
If you primarily consume news from sources flooded with pharmaceutical advertisements, it’s no surprise you haven’t heard about the studies and data showing harms and deaths. Do you think these media outlets would be permitted to run stories unfavourable to the industry that funds them? For the record, the United States is one of only two countries in the world that allows pharmaceutical companies to advertise direct-to-consumer.
The following passage presents both documented evidence of vaccine-related harm and fatalities, as well as theories from respected medical professionals who have identified potential safety concerns that merit further investigation. It also demonstrates instances where the authorities have disregarded or downplayed the available data. Dr. Malhotra, a British cardiologist, testified that within the supplementary appendix of the original Pfizer trial, there were four instances of cardiac arrests among the vaccine group in contrast to only one in the placebo. Although this difference did not achieve statistical significance due to limited sample size, it did serve as an early indicator of potential future issues when the vaccines were administered to the public at large.
In May of 2021, following the increased distribution of vaccines, I personally conducted a VAERS report analysis, and identified a notable safety signal concerning myocarditis and pericarditis.
In June 2021, the CDC officially added myocarditis to the list of vaccine risks but still today downplay it as mild and rare and claim that the benefits of vaccination for all age groups outweigh the risks. Many countries including the United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark are not recommending the Covid vaccine for certain age groups citing risks outweigh benefit.
In September, 2021 The Guardian reported on a study assessing the risk of myocarditis post vaccination, Dr. Tracy Hoeg at UC Davis and colleagues concluded that healthy boys aged 12 to 17 are more likely to be diagnosed with myocarditis resulting from the vaccine than to be hospitalized with Covid. In a webinar, Dr. Dean Patterson, shared his observations and data regarding myocarditis cases in Guernsey. He observed a notable increase in myocarditis and pericarditis cases at a population level following the widespread implementation of Covid vaccinations.
In 2020, before the introduction of Covid vaccines, Guernsey (with a population of 65,000) experienced only 5 cases of myocarditis and zero cases of pericarditis. However, in 2021, after the widespread rollout of Covid vaccines the number of myocarditis cases increased dramatically to 55, accompanied by 20 cases of pericarditis. Dr. Patterson highlighted that he has not diagnosed a single case of myocarditis in his practice following a Covid infection.
Despite growing data on vaccine related heart issues, the CDC and the media continue to gaslight us about the risks. In April, 2024 NBC news reported on a CDC study with the headline “Covid vaccines not linked to fatal heart problems.” The study analysed just 3 deaths in the state of Oregon who died from any heart condition or unknown reasons within 100 days of receiving an mRNA Covid vaccine. Two of the deaths were attributed to chronic underlying health conditions; the medical examiner could neither confirm nor exclude Covid vaccination as the cause of death for one. It’s so reassuring that a study analysing a whopping 3 deaths in one state can conclusively determine that there’s no link between Covid vaccines and fatal heart problems.
Meanwhile, in South Korea, a study found 480 confirmed cases of vaccine-related myocarditis, with 21 deaths. Vaccine-related myocarditis incidence was highest in males between the ages of 12 and 17 years (5.29 cases per 100,000 persons). “Eight out of 21 deaths were sudden cardiac death attributable to vaccine-related myocarditis proved by an autopsy, and all cases of sudden cardiac death attributable to vaccine-related myocarditis were aged under 45 years and received mRNA vaccines.”
I’ll wait while you read that last sentence again S-L-O-W-L-Y. Now, do you honestly believe the CDC when they say there’s no connection between Covid vaccines and fatal heart problems?
Myocarditis and pericarditis can also be subclinical, meaning they can occur without detectible symptoms. These conditions can lead to various complications such as tachycardia (rapid heart rate), high blood pressure, scarring of the heart, cardiomyopathy (weakening of the heart muscle), and (aFib) atrial fibrillation (rapid and irregular heart rhythm). Over time, these complications may increase the risk of cardiac arrest. While, to date, Covid vaccine-related cardiac issues have been most widely reported and studied, numerous other conditions have been documented post Covid vaccination. Most notable are blood clots, strokes, menstrual disturbance and bleeding in women before and after menopause, autoimmune diseases, bell’s palsy, shingles, vertigo, tinnitus (ringing or other noises in one or both of your ears), cancer, multi-system inflammatory syndrome, and brain abnormalities.
So there you have it. There’s a solid body of research and data that provide ample justifications for critical thinkers to question both the efficacy and safety of Covid-19 vaccines.
No doubt, upon publishing this piece, “the chosen experts” will pick apart my analyses and frame me as a peddler of dangerous conspiracy theories. I encourage you to evaluate what my critics have to say, but also dive into the studies, data, and links to the expert testimony I’ve provided. Don’t just read what’s put in front of you; dissect it, question it, and form your own conclusions.
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